a quick rundown:

My photo
Grand Rapids, MI, United States
I am a major goofball--I love making people laugh and having fun and being totally silly. I'm not afraid to be introspective, and really believe that if I help myself, I can better help the world.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

so this is the new year...

...and i DO feel very different.

God, things are so fucking good. That's right.

I will update more later when it's not 3:30am and my eyelids aren't drooping onto the upper rims of my glasses.

Jess, if you're reading this, I miss you already.
To everyone else who should be reading this blog, you are missed as a part of a longing continuum. So don't feel left out.


Unknown said...

I miss you, kitty! can't wait for your feb. visit!

HiddenKinship said...

I miss you too!