a quick rundown:

My photo
Grand Rapids, MI, United States
I am a major goofball--I love making people laugh and having fun and being totally silly. I'm not afraid to be introspective, and really believe that if I help myself, I can better help the world.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


before i explain the meaning behind this post, i have to say that i'm listening to UK radio, and they're playing this fabulous amy winehouse song that i have not been privileged to hear before this moment. god bless her soul, she's a mess. hopefully she stops smoking crack long enough to make some more good music.

so, when i say reunification, i think you readers know what i'm talking about. yes.

jack and i are back together.

okay now, hold your questions until i get in town. which i hope you all know that my visit is approaching quickly.

i have the feeling that things will be different. and i'm happy! isn't that what matters? i know the answer to that.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

red is my new favorite color.

so not only is red the new color of my blog's background, it is also the color of my hair. i think that it only makes sense that i am a redhead. of course, i am a beautiful chestnut brunette ala naturale, but being red is only justification for the fiery personality that we all hold near and dear.

oh lord. what am i even talking about?

i was thinking this morning, in a semi-drunken/hungover state, how much i want red-headed kids, and how fucked up it would be if i dyed their hair. har har.

keeping with the red-head theme, jack and i are talking again. we are not dating or feeling on each other or anything, but i love him. notice: this is different than being IN love with someone, but i love him the way you'd love a pet. but like my bf katie points out, "katie, you need a man, not a puppy." so true. i can't change jack but goddammit i wish he would wake up and know that he is good enough for me--and then start acting like it.

love you ladies. think i'm coming february 28th. word.