a quick rundown:

My photo
Grand Rapids, MI, United States
I am a major goofball--I love making people laugh and having fun and being totally silly. I'm not afraid to be introspective, and really believe that if I help myself, I can better help the world.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


before i explain the meaning behind this post, i have to say that i'm listening to UK radio, and they're playing this fabulous amy winehouse song that i have not been privileged to hear before this moment. god bless her soul, she's a mess. hopefully she stops smoking crack long enough to make some more good music.

so, when i say reunification, i think you readers know what i'm talking about. yes.

jack and i are back together.

okay now, hold your questions until i get in town. which i hope you all know that my visit is approaching quickly.

i have the feeling that things will be different. and i'm happy! isn't that what matters? i know the answer to that.


Lauren said...

i like red hair. I approve :P

can't wait to see you!!!!

HiddenKinship said...

I am not applying to any schools for the fall. I want to work for a year, at least. Also, I still hope to find something related to music business to help me pay the bills. So, unless a job requires that I move, I am going to stay in Nashville for the time being.