a quick rundown:

My photo
Grand Rapids, MI, United States
I am a major goofball--I love making people laugh and having fun and being totally silly. I'm not afraid to be introspective, and really believe that if I help myself, I can better help the world.

Monday, January 21, 2008

transformation of values.

i'm contemplating not giving a fuck.

what do i mean by that? geez, if only i really knew what that entailed.

how much of our perception is made up of games we play with ourselves and with others? how can we truly see life clearly? do we pray to a God that we hope exists, in fear that without something we can't understand, we're actually left with ourselves and our insanity?

i am stuck between the intellectual process by which my life operates, and the pursuit of a spiritual way of being that doesn't involve self-obsession.

i'm going to go bloody mad.

i need to do something for someone else...but i don't even really know what that means.

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